
Sunday, January 8, 2012


Many people think it is a native fruit of Brazil but it is not...Well, something for can find everywhere in Rio, in the other States of our South East Region, North-East and North of Brazil and I LOVE IT.

MANGO...The portuguese, 500 years ago brought this delicious wonder from India because they already knew that it is one of the most spectacular fruit in the World, and they new that our lands the mangoes would find a real paradise to spread all over...

THIS FRUIT GIVES FOOD and shade from the tropical heat that we have to face when we choose this beautiful side of the Earth to visit!!!

In the best restaurants you find it...actually everywhere you go...BUT VERY SELDON YOU WILL FIND THE MANGO THAT YOU, DEAR READER, SEE IN THE PICTURE!!!

This mango is very rare, it is called MANGA CORAÇÃO DE BOI (or BULL HEART MANGO), you can find in my Aunt's Mocinha house in the outskirts of a place full of homely traditions (including SAMBA) called Irajá. So juicy, so meaty and so incredible!!!

Today I am writing simply about of the most delicious fruits that you can find in your next trip to Brazil. I am writing about my family life...I decided to visit my so dear relatives and trying also to have a deserve rest after a marathon of tours, and feed my soul, my brain and my energy for the challenge and wonderful marathon in the near future!!!

May God Bless you all, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Rafael Torres Lopes
Tour Guide and Travel Planner

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