
Wednesday, August 12, 2009


In my tours I focus alot on Nature, I always take my people to places where Nature tells you that you are really in a country full of wilderness, even though you are visiting a city of almost 9 million people!!! Rio is privileged because of our forests, mountains and absolutely beautiful ocean.
Everywhere I go, and I visit lots of places with my guests, either in Rio or outside of the city...we come across with different birds and we can see some unique species of our environment. We are lucky because our people preserve our natural resources. We are very proud to have so many city parks, state parks and national parks all around!!!
Rio is not a city for birdwatching, it is not a common practice among brazilians.
But I do love it and I also found out a birdwatching place in the mountains of our state, it is a location called CACHOEIRO DE MACACU.
My birds I find mostly in the mountains of Bocaina and in the wetlands of Marapendi where I have found not only birds, alligators are often there!
So if you want to experience a different side of Rio de Janeiro, oh yes...YOU CAN REALLY COUNT ON ME!!!
Happy travels!!!
Rafael Torres Lopes

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